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CCHS Community Concerned Over Recent Faculty Resignations

In the past few weeks, three faculty members have resigned from CCHS: Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. McManus, and Mrs. Murlless. 

This year was Mrs. Hayes’ first year teaching at Charlotte Catholic. She taught Advanced Biology and Forensics and helped guide AP Biology students while their teacher, Mrs. Culicerto, was away on maternity leave. 

Mrs. Hayes alerted her students of her impending resignation shortly before midterms. Mrs. McManus, experienced Oceanography teacher, Advanced Biology teacher, and head of the Science department, taught at Charlotte Catholic for 30 years. Her last day was January 11. 

Mrs. McManus said, “Charlotte Catholic is a wonderful community, and I have enjoyed thirty years of teaching here.”

Mrs. Murlless resigned from CCHS after 17 years at the school. Through a message on Scoir, the former head of the counseling department expressed her gratitude for her experience at Catholic before alerting students of her resignation, effective immediately. 

Mrs. Murlless remains available to students for the remainder of the school year. She plans to keep contact with seniors regarding college admission and will write letters of recommendations for juniors for next year. Her former students will be reassigned to other members of the counseling department. She said, “I think this access will help my students as we navigate this transition.” 

Mrs. Murlless acknowledged the resignations this year. She noted that it is always a concern when we lose teachers, counselors or staff - especially to other schools -in midyear.

Mrs. Murlless recognized that the school made some changes this year. She said, “Change is not always bad, but being part of the change, knowing about and understanding the ‘why’ of a change helps to excite stakeholders.” Mrs. Murlless wants students to know that she will miss the community that made her journey at CCHS a special time in her life.

A few students expressed surprise about faculty resignations. One freshman said she was disappointed to see Mrs. Hayes leave. She felt she was a very good teacher.

Some students suggested that resignations can sometimes affect student morale. Junior Marguerite McPhillips, one of Mrs. McManus’ and Mrs. Murlless’ former students, was also disappointed to have to say goodbye to some of her favorite teachers.  

With the changes to the school’s policies, changes to the curriculum, and recent resignations this year, students are adjusting to a somewhat new environment. Some students may anticipate the possibility of more changes among the faculty, but there is no more news to report on that topic.

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